петак, 2. децембар 2022.

ПАТРИЈАРХ ПОРФИРИЈЕ: Чудесно житије Свете Великомученице Екатарине Александријске и Синајске

 The life of the Holy Great Martyr Ekaterina of Alexandria and Sinai, which our Church celebrates today, is truly touching and miraculous. Although an above-average educated and eloquent noblewoman, she vowed to the Lord Christ and His Gospel as the highest and most beautiful value. That is why during the time of the Roman emperor Maxentius (at the beginning of the 4th century) she endured unimaginable suffering. A young woman, with opportunities better than many men and braver than numerous members of the stronger sex, confirmed herself as the bride of Christ and consecrated herself as such.

In memory of the ring that was symbolically given to her as a bride in the vision before her suffering by Christ himself, and the devotees of her holy relics in the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai are always presented with a modest ring as a symbolic sign of the Christian vow to God. The altar of this monastery, which was built by Emperor Justinian back in the sixth century, was built at the place where God appeared to Moses from incombustible blackberry, which is why his church with its rooms and walls is a real treasure of a very rich spiritual and cultural heritage, attested in the oldest icons, mosaics and manuscripts.

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